“Documents” section

From the Reserved Area, by logging in as Manager, it is possible to upload PDF documents (catalogs, product sheets) in order to make them visible on all agents’ devices.
From the menu Management -> Documents it is possible to access the management of this section.
Press the “+” key to create the folder that will contain the PDF documents.
Click on the orange folder you just created to enter, then press the “+” key to add the document present in your device. In this window you can specify the name of the document, enter a description and give the agents the possibility to send this file via email.
On the device, following a synchronization, it is possible to view the documents uploaded from the Reserved Area in the appropriate section. The documents will actually be downloaded to your device at the time of viewing, by selecting the item and pressing the icon with the down arrow or by pressing the “Download all” button.

By selecting the file (putting the check mark) and pressing the trash can icon, it is possible to delete it from the archive (reserved for the Manager user).
