All data can be imported and exported in CSV format, compatible with Microsoft Excel, Open Office, Number and any data management software CSV (Comma Separeted Values) files are a text format that allows data from a database or spreadsheet to be exchanged between different applications. Integration done via CSV files makes Order Sender an even simpler and more immediate tool.
To achieve full integration of Order Sender with third-party software, access to Web API libraries is provided. These communication interfaces allow you to export and import order data, customer and product master data to external software.
Order Sender integrates with the Danea Easyfatt® Enterprise One (from the TeamSystem group) management software for small businesses: you can import product master data, price lists, inventory, customer master data including all their locations to Order Sender, and download orders to Danea Easyfatt with one click.
The connector in Order Sender allows you to download orders with your Invoices in Cloud® account (a TeamSystem group service).